SETUP QWIX CORRECTLY FOR CONNECTION TO XBOX:ġ. There are plenty of tutorials available or just ask in our forums. If you have never FTP'ed into your xbox before i would suggest learning how to FTP before trying to use this. You should already be able to FTP into your xbox before trying to continue with this tutorial. I want to make a ISO of this game which is on my xbox hdd so i can burn it to DVDR for backup. Look down below at example and you wil see where its located on my xbox HDD. If you use PXHDDLOADER to rip your games from XBOX DVD to the XBOX HDD you will find the games will be soted on your XBOX under E:HddLoader F:HddLoader or G:HddLoaderįor this tutorial i will have Halo on my XBOX HDD and will make a XISO of it using QWIX to my pc (via ftp). If you use DVD2XBOX application to rip games from XBOX DVD to the XBOX HDD you will find the games will be stored on your XBOX under E:Games F:Games or G:Games depending on what sized hard drive your xbox has.
Tutorial: Create XISO's using QWIX from your XBOX HDD or PC HDD Browse All | Submit New | Detailed Statistics | Browsing: 12Ĭreate XISO's using QWIX from your XBOX HDD or PC HDDĬreate XISO's using QWIX from your XBOX HDD or PC HDD Published by forahobby on ĭownloadview-details-806-Qwix_Tutorial.html